5 Facts About Apples
Sweet and fresh taste would make a great snack straight, or made juices, salads, even a cake.
But not only taste amazing, apple also has many health benefits.
You must know the various benefits of apples for daily health.
So why not begin to accustom themselves to enjoy a grain every day?
1. Apple is the slow food
This fruit contains as much as 5 grams of fiber, or 20 percent of your daily intake needs.
Because hard, apple requires you to chew with the patient, and this could signal the body that you are satisfied, before you consume too many calories.
Natural sweetener in apple enters the bloodstream gradually, helping you keep your blood sugar and insulin levels remain stable, so you feel full longer.
This is the opposite of snacks with artificial sweetener, that make you hungry again quickly.
2. Apples help you breathe easier
Women who eat apples during pregnancy, will give birth to a child with a reduced risk of asthma, according to researchers from the UK recently.
It also can protect the lungs of adults, lowering the risk of asthma, lung cancer and other diseases.
3. Apples can lower cholesterol
Thanks to two key components, pectin (a type of fiber) and polyphenols (a powerful antioxidant), apples can reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent oxidation of bad cholesterol, the chemical processes that convert it into plaques that clog arteries.
To maximize the benefits of apples, eating apples with the skin. Apple skin has two to six times the antioxidant compounds.
4. Apple could fight cancer
Results of laboratory tests showed that some compounds in the aqueous fruit to curb the growth of cancer cells, but will work optimally when eaten whole apple (minus the stem and seeds, of course).
People who consume more than one apple a day will reduce the risk of some cancers (mouth, esophagus, colon, breast, ovary, prostate, etc.) amounting to 9-42 per cent.
5. Apples make you smarter
Perhaps because of increased production of acetylcholine, a chemical that transmits messages between nerve cells, the apple is expected to keep the brain sharp as you age,
improve memory, and potentially reduce the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease, according to a recent study from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell.
This study was just done to animals. But there's nothing wrong if you start trying to get used to eating this nutritious snack.
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